The Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment provides advising and coordinates UCLA’s institutional endorsement process for several nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. We guide students as they set goals and craft strong applications.

Getting Started

We advise you to research opportunities you might be interested in. Think about your own goals and which opportunities align with your interests. Are you looking for opportunities to study abroad? To fund your graduate study here in the US? Are you looking to fund a project or other activity?

Research what the scholarship foundation is looking for, and start preparing early. When you’re ready to get started, attend an info session or request a one-on-one appointment.

Part of preparing to apply involves a process of introspection and goal setting. This is a challenging process, but it is what makes applying for competitive scholarships so valuable. Set aside enough time to take it seriously.

Several national scholarships require either UCLA’s endorsement or nomination. For these scholarships, we have a campus application process with a deadline substantially earlier than the scholarship foundation’s deadline.

We ask for a draft of your application, unofficial transcripts, a detailed resume, and letters of recommendation. See scholarship descriptions for deadlines and application requirements.


Institutional Endorsements

How to apply for UCLA’s nomination or endorsement

Institutional endorsement is a competitive process and is not guaranteed. Our campus committee evaluates applications based on the same criteria that scholarship foundations consider, in order to nominate the strongest candidates.

Review the requirements for the scholarship you are interested in and submit the requested materials by the campus deadline. Once you have identified a scholarship you plan to apply for, contact us to discuss your interest. You may also find it helpful to attend the CSSE’s workshops to help you brainstorm and prepare for this process. Some scholarships require a separate application form for the institutional deadline. For others, we ask for a partial application. And for others, the application timeline necessitates the full application at the campus deadline. Check requirements carefully.

The Annotated Resume is a counseling tool we recommend as you prepare for this application process. It can be very helpful as a brainstorming exercise to put all of your commitments on paper. And it can be helpful for your letter writers in the future.

For Faculty & Staff

If you are a UCLA faculty or staff member and have worked with an outstanding student you believe should apply for one of these national/international scholarships, please let us know. We will reach out to the student and schedule a meeting.

If you would like to assist with our campus selection process or participate in a mock interview, please click here.